XVII CALL. 2015. Room 1. Anne Wölk, Usoa Fullaondo, Lechón & Salas
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 1. Lechón & Salas, Juan Diego Tobalina, Anne Wölk
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 1. Usoa Fullaondo, Lechón & Salas, Juan Diego Tobalina
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 1. Lechón & Salas
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 1. Juan Diego Tobalina, Anne Wölk, Usoa Fullaondo
Anne Wölk. Styx. 2013. Oil, acrylic & spray on canvas. 250 x 200 cm
Juan Diego Tobalina. Medio. 2015. Engraved granite. 30 x 40 x 2 cm
Usoa Fullaondo. Dianas. 2013. Acrylic on pine & furniture fragment. 40 x 28 x 4 cm
Usoa Fullaondo. Nata (detail). 2013. Wooden pedestal, enamel & varnish on pine. 49 x 19 x 19 cm
Lechón & Salas. Objeto cinético nº1. 2015. Printed CDs, DC motors & microcontroller. 90 x 12 x 7 + 55 x 12 x 7 cm
Lechón & Salas. Objeto cinético nº1 (detail). 2015. Printed CDs, DC motors & microcontroller. 90 x 12 x 7 + 55 x 12 x 7 cm
Lechón & Salas. Objeto cinético nº2. 2015. Servomotor, spring y microcontroller. 16 x 24 x 7 cm
Juan Carlos Rosa Casasola. #Bestseller #Bildung. 2015. Folded clothes. Aprox. 700 x 25 x 20 cm
Juan Carlos Rosa Casasola. #Bestseller #Bildung. 2015. Folded clothes. Aprox. 700 x 25 x 20 cm
Andreu Porcar. Si estaba loco por ti II + v l c. 2015. Wood & digital print. 60 x 40 x 3.5 + 29.5 x 23 x 3.5 cm
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 2: Andreu Porcar, María Tinaut, Fuentesal & Arenillas, Camille Tsvetoukhine
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 2: María Tinaut, Fuentesal & Arenillas
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 2: María Tinaut, Fuentesal & Arenillas, Camille Tsvetoukhine
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 2: Camille Tsvetoukhine, Sergio Pilan, Andreu Porcar, María Tinaut
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 2: Camille Tsvetoukhine, Sergio Pilan, Fuentesal & Arenillas, María Tinaut
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 3. Sergio Pilan, Fuentesal & Arenillas, Andreu Porcar, María Tinaut
Sergio Pilan. Moons. 2015. Oil on paper.. 50 x 65 cm / each one
Sergio Pilan. Two Moons. 2015. Oil on paper. 50 x 65 cm
María Tinaut. Farewell. 2015. Spray enamel on canvas. 160 x 132 cm
Fuentesal & Arenillas. Singularity 1+2+3. 2014. Digital photograph on Hahnemüle paper. 44 x 65 cm / each one
Fuentesal & Arenillas. Descuido nº1. 2014. Glass, concrete & metal spoon. 13 x 20 x 4 cm
Cristina Santos. A veces sucede que cuanto mejor es peor + Ssssppplaasshh. 2015. Mixed media. 50 x 41 x 7 + 69 x 49.5 x 11 cm
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 3. Nina Paszkowski, Cristina Santos, Iván Sikicv
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 3. Iván Sikic, Amanda Moreno
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 3. Amanda Moreno, Iván Sikic, Nina Paszkowski, Cristina Santos
Iván Sikic. It’s my Party and I do What I Want to! (detalle). 2015. Balloons, helio, ribbon, brick, gold leaf & thumbtacks. Variables dimensions
Iván Sikic. It’s my Party and I do What I Want to! (detalle). 2015. Globos, helio, cinta, ladrillo, pan de oro y chinchetas. Medidas variables
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 3. Amanda Moreno
Amanda Moreno. ST After Bouvard et Pécuchet. 2015. Pigmented ink on paper. 42 x 29.7 cm / each one
Cristina Santos. Big Win!. 2015. Oil on canvas, enamel & acrylic on wood board, digital print & frame. 16 x 16 + 116 x 81 + 72.5 x 52 x 5 cm
Cristina Santos. *Sigh. 2015. Oil & marker on wood board & oil on canvas. 15.5 x 15.5 + 46 x 38 cm
Nina Paszkowski. Pollination. 2015. Oil on linen. 150 x 130 cm
Alberto Feijóo. ST. 2014-2015. C-print on Fuji Crystal Archive Luster paper. 60 x 50 cm
Alberto Feijóo. ST. 2014-2015. C-print on Fuji Crystal Archive Luster paper. 80 x 70 cm
Lechón & Salas. Mopa Motriz. 2015. Stepper motors & mop. 40 x 15 x 5 cm
XVII CALL. 2015. Mercedes Pimiento
Mercedes Pimiento. ST (de la serie Useless landscapes). 2015. Print on cotton paper & wood. 11.2 x 16.3 cm / each one
Mercedes Pimiento. ST. 2015. Wood. 25 x 10 x 10 cm
Alberto Feijóo. Untitled. 2014-2015. C-print on Fuji Crystal Archive Luster paper. 30×40 cm
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 4. Eduardo Peral Ricarte, Javier Martín, Usoa Fullaondo
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 4. Eduardo Peral Ricarte, Javier Martín, Usoa Fullaondo
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 4. Juan Diego Tobalina, Mercedes Pimiento, Eduardo Peral Ricarte
XVII CALL. 2015. Room 4. Usoa Fullaondo, Juan Diego Tobalina
Usoa Fullaondo. Camiseta 90′. 2015. Acrylic & spray on wood. 66 x 46 x 6 cm
Juan Diego Tobalina. Reverberaciones de oro. 2012-15. Policarbonate record, cover & sound. Variable dimensions
Javier Martín. Cómo pinté algunos cuadros míos (Bandes). 2014-2015. Mixed media on paper. 29 x 21 cm / each one
Eduardo Peral Ricarte. Series Marquesinas. 2015. Acrylic on plexiglass. 150 x 100 cm / each one